Monday, June 27, 2011

New Hours & Business Cards

After a lot of thought, I decided to change my hours at Three Lights Sanctuary. All the business is on the weekends, and being free during weekdays to run the house is a better option. I left the door open stating "Weekdays By Chance" in case I have nothing keeping me at home and want to open. I already feel less pressure.

I went through several more pages of business card options and found one that may be better, not to mention the ones I ordered have the wrong hours now. The 3 candles reflect Three Lights, so I think it's a better fit, although I do like the other card. I can always use a red marker and cover up the Thursday and Friday hours.

I packed everything up at my old space and all the cabinets are ready to move over the weekend. After the furniture is in place at the new location I'll be able to empty the tubs I filled today and will then be able to use them to pack my paintings.

All is going well.

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