Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Where Roads Lead


Stained Glass

I have always loved stained glass.
I have purchased some pieces and have had custom gifts made for friends and for my art and gift shop. While at the glass shop I was able to watch the process and there is a lot of work that goes in to making even a small window hanging. I never took a lesson, but I should. It has been said, "It's never too late."  
Pottery is something else I love and if I could, I would turn back time and go for it. Not just painting, but make pottery and make stained glass...see what sticks. What is it I love so much that I want to do it all the time and offer it to the public? Then do it. We'll see...maybe it's not too late after all.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Primitive Santa


Primitive Santa
Looking for the newest Santa to place on the coffee table, my husband found this primitive Santa I had forgotten we had. I put him on a top shelf in the living room in front of an Iris Scott desert painting and took this picture. I love it!  <3 
Then I found the other Santa.  :) 

Good For Your Soul


Thursday, November 18, 2021

It's Snack Time


~ It's Snack Time ~
So, what are you doing now? 

Why bother scooping one spoonful at a time
when you can just eat however much (or little)
as you want then put the container back in the freezer. The convenience of just living alone with my husband who doesn't eat the same flavor as I do.
Rocky Road anyone?  :)

(have to get a jar of sweet cherries in syrup)

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A Pumpkin Surprise


My husband came home yesterday from the supermarket with this cute pumpkin!
He said they gave it to him for FREE because he spent X amount for groceries. 
I love it! The colors go with everything
else on the coffee table.  

Friday, November 5, 2021

You Are a Child of the Universe

You are a child of the universe,
 no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

- Max Ehrmann from Desiderate -

Artist, Vicki Sawyer


Monday, November 1, 2021

Rest in Peace, RemDawg


Jerry Remy (RemDawg)
Boston Red Sox
Former Player - Announcer

I tried to add the CAMEO I requested in May from Jerry to my husband, Tom, as a birthday gift. It didn't post here, but if you would like to watch it go to my website and click on the "Cameos" button and scroll down a couple of rows. It's wonderful and am so happy I thought of a "RemDawg Cameo" as a gift - it truly was and we can watch it anytime as a memory of all the fun and laughter during the games Jerry provided. 
"Rest in Peace, RemDawg"

Website:  iamalionunderthesun.com
(Click onto the "Cameos" link to watch)

Happy November


November's Calling Colors